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What to Expect  >>

All trips are from either our 17' Alumaweld Drift boat (with or without a motor) or our 20' Alumaweld Adventurer. These trips are generally full day trips (unless otherwise planned) so plan on being out for at least 8 hrs sometimes longer.


**During drift-boat trips you have the option to have your vehicle to be at the takeout by arranging a shuttle for your vehicles. these shuttles can be arranged the day of the trip and the current fee is $25 (cash only). shuttles are provided by Jim's Shuttle service while fishing in the Tillamook area.

please bring an extra key or FOB to allow your vehicle to be locked for security.


otherwise I can give you a ride when I am done wrapping all the gear for transport (usually 15-20 min**)


What to bring:
Fishing licenses / Salmon Steelhead tags - These can be purchased at any sporting goods store, Fred Meyer, Bi-mart, or Wal-Mart. or online at



Camera - you never know what you will see on our trip.


Warm clothing- Dress in layers! Early mornings can be VERY cold even if the forecast says the day will be a warm one.

Rain Gear –Bring waterproof shoes pants and a jacket even if it’s not supposed to rain. It’s good to block wind and water spray.


Lunch- fishing can work up an appetite. Bring enough food and water to get you through the day.


A Cooler - Something large enough to transport the days catch.


Cash for parking. most places in Tillamook county now have a $10 parking fee


Anything else you must have to get through a normal day. (Let me know in advance if you need any special help for the trip so I can plan accordingly.)

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